The Freenet Protocol
This document is still in production - don't take it as gospel yet
The Freenet protocol is based around the idea of message passing bewteen nodes on the network. Messages contain a name, a series of headers and an optional trailing feild. The trailing feild, if present, carries data. Nodes should act on messages in a consistant manner and, if they do, this leads to the formation of an adaptive network.
The end goal of a Freenet network is to store Documents and allow them to be retrieved later by Key, much the same as is now possible with protocols such as HTTP. The network is implemented as a number of Nodes that pass Messages among themselves peer-to-peer. Typically, a host computer on the network will run the software that acts as a node, and it will connect to other hosts running that same software to form a large distributed network of peer nodes. Certain nodes will be end user nodes, from which documents will be requested and presented to the human user. But these nodes communicate with each other and with intermediate routing nodes identically -- there are no dedicated ``clients'' or ``servers'' on the network.
Freenet protocol is intended to be implemented on a network with a complex network topology, much like IP (Internet Protocol). Each node knows only about some number of other nodes that it can reach directly (its conceptual ``neighbors''), but any node can be a neighbor to any other; there is no hierarchy or other structure. Each document (or other message such as a document request) in Freenet is routed through the network by passing from neighbor to neighbor until reaching its destination. As each node passes a document to its neighbor, it does not know or care whether its neighbor is just another routing node forwarding information on behalf of another, whether it is the source of the document being passed, or whether it is a user node that will present the document to an end user. This is intentional, so that anonymity of both users and publishers can be protected.
Each node maintains a data store containing documents associated with keys. With each document it also stores the address of another node where that document came from (and possibly some limited metadata about the document). In addition it may have some keys for documents that have been deleted (due to lack of use, memory limits, etc.), but in that case it also retains a pointer to another node that may still have the data.
To find a document in the network given a key, a user sends a message to a node (probably one running on the same machine as the client program) requesting the document, providing it with the key. If no matching key is present in the local data store, the node then finds the ``closest'' key it does have (where ``close'' is defined appropriately as specified later) and forwards the request to the node associated with that key, remembering that it has done so.
The node to which the request was forwarded repeats the process until either the key is found or a number of hops is reached to indicate failure. Along the route, if a node is visited more than once (and it will know this because it remebered forwarding the request the first time) then that node cuts off the loop by sending a message to the node that sent it the second request telling it to start looking at the node associated with the next-closest data item, the next-next-closest, and so on.
Eventually either the document is found or the hop limit is exceeded, at which point the node sends back a reply that works its way back to the originator along the route specified by the intermediate nodes' records of pending requests. The intermediate nodes may choose to cache the document being delivered to optimized later requests for it.
Essentially the same path-finding process is used to insert a document into the network, the document being stored at each node along the path.
When a new node starts up, a ``dummy'' entry with a random key is inserted into its data store for each other node it knows about. Then when an initial request enters the node, one or more of these dummy entries will be the closest. This will determine which other node requests are forwarded to first.
Initially, then, each node has a purely random set of keys for every other node that it knows about. This means that the nodes to which it sends a given data item will depend entirely on what these random keys are. But since different nodes use different random keys, each node will initially disagree about where to look for or send data, given a key. The data in a newly-started Freenet will therefore be distributed somewhat randomly.
As more documents are inserted by the same node, they will begin to cluster with data items whose keys are similar, because the same routing rules are used for all of them. More importantly, as data items and requests from different nodes ``cross paths'', they will begin to share clustering information as well.
The result is that the network should self-organize into a distributed, clustered structure where nodes tend to hold data items that are close together in key space. There will probably be multiple such clusters throughout the network, any given document being replicated numerous times, depending on how much it is used. This is a kind of ``spontaneous symmetry breaking'', in which an initially symmetric state (all nodes being the same, with random initial keys for each other) leads to a highly asymmetric situation, with nodes coming to specialize in data that has certain closely related keys.
There are forces which tend to cause clustering (shared closeness data spreads throughout the network), and forces that tend to break up clusters (local caching of commonly used data). These forces will be different depending on how often data is used, so that seldom-used data will tend to be on just a few nodes which specialize in providing that data, and frequently used items will be spread widely throughout the network.
One thing to keep in mind is that keys are presently hashes, hence there is no notion of semantic closeness when speaking of key closeness. Therefore there will be no correlation between key closeness and similar popularity of data as there might be if keys did exhibit some semantic meaning, thus avoiding bottlenecks caused by popular subjects.
There are a number of different key types in Freenet. Every key encodes its key type in the last two bytes. Different key types have different properties -- some are unforgeable, some updatable. Data inserted into Freenet generally insert more than one document so that the properties of more than one key can be used. Keys are explained in detail in the Keys section.Timeouts
Since Freenet is distributed it must handle the case where nodes have failed. Timeouts are part of that handling. The length of time in seconds that a node should wait for a reply is a function of the HopsToLive of the message. It is defined as (mean * hops) + (1.28 * sd * sqrt (hops)). Where mean and sd are 12.Sample Chain
To aid understanding you might want to look through some sample chains of requests.

Here is our very small test network of Freenet nodes. As a convention node A will be a `client' node - that is it will always start the chain. Line are in the format:
A->B Name HTK Depth
where A and B are the names of node and Name is the name of a message. First a simple data request:
A->B HandshakeRequest 1 1 B->A HandshakeReply 1 1 A->B DataRequest 10 3 B->C HandshakeRequest 1 1 C->B HandshakeReply 1 1 B->C DataRequest 9 4 C->A HandshakeRequest 1 1 A->C HandshakeReply 1 1 C->A DataRequest 8 5 A->C RequestFailed C->D HandshakeRequest 1 1 D->C HandshakeReply 1 1 C->D DataRequest 7 5 D->C DataReply 5 2 C->B DataReply 4 3 B->A DataReply 3 4
Thats quite a lot of messages, but all the handshake messages are a little redundant. So the same again, but without handshaking.
A->B DataRequest 10 3 B->C DataRequest 9 4 C->A DataRequest 8 5 A->C RequestFailed C->D DataRequest 7 5 D->C DataReply 5 2 C->B DataReply 4 3 B->A DataReply 3 4 D->C StoreData 5 2 C->B StoreData 4 3 B->A StoreData 3 4
Thats better. Now we can see that the request went through nodes B, C and D, and that D had the data. It should be noted that C tried to forward the request back to A, but since A knew about the UniqueID it didn't create a loop.
There are a number of things that a good design of the DataStore will perform well at. Design ideas should be judged on how well they stand up against these.- The Store should be able to rapidly find the document information of a given key
- The Store should be able to rapidly find the closest key to a given key, that it knows about.
- The Store should be able to keep an idea of the relative popularity of documents and thus know which document to delete when under pressure
- The Store should be reasonably resistant to flood attacks
Document Meta-Structures
Hash Table
Firstly, some of the problems are quite simple to solve. To rapidly find documents given a key a hash table should be used. Since the documents are going to have to be in multiple structures to meet other points above it makes sense if the objects are in dlists.

The key would be hashed to get an index into the hash table. From there you would do a linear search of the list until you found the right document (or until you hit null, in which case you don't have that document). The hash table should be quite long as, at only a word per entry, entries are cheap and speed up searching.
COC List
To keep an idea of how popular documents are they also need to be in order. At the top of the list should be the most popular. At some point in this list there should be a point where any documents below it are simply references. As new documents are put above this point older documents may have to be pushed below this mark (and thus it's data is deleted - freeing up space for the new document).

This raises the question of how documents climb up the COC list. One option is to simply move a document to the top of the list when it is requested -- hopefully the item will float to it's right level over time. This is, however, quite vulnerable to flood attacks. An attacker could simply insert and request pushing all other documents out of the store. Although a store cannot stop a consistent, high speed flood it should not be this mutable. This system also disregards the size of the document. A 1MB document could push out many smaller ones and so the 1MB document should have to be more popular to move the same distance as a smaller one. This creates a pressure for people to compress documents before inserting them (because you can't compress after encryption).
Rather than just jump a document to the top of a stack a more complicated system could be used. Each document would be given a weighting and they could be sorted based on it. As a simple example: weighting = x * (size_of_document / size_of_store) + y * (requests_of_doc / requests_ever). Where x and y would be user configured.
This would mean the store changes more slowly as the documents would move up or down slowly, rather than jumping up suddenly. This does mean that a list might no longer be the best structure for the COC. The weighings would have to be recalculated for everything at intervals as requests_ever keeps changing, and possibly the COC would be recalculated each time a document was requested. Keeping the COC as a list would utterly cripple a hash sort (an algorithm that seems like it could be a good idea here), and slow down a quick-sort (another good candidate algorithm). To keep random access times low and the amount of data that has to be moved also low a vector<Document *> seems the best structure for this system

There is still a point where documents no longer contain data, but it's in a vector not a list. The vector would be sorted by the weight of the document. This system is much more flexible, as it also allows for the weighing to be affected by other things (such as who the document is signed by).
Finding close documents
Neither a hash table or an COC list/vector is very good at finding close documents. Where close if defined by the key relationship. However with the current 1-dimensional keys closeness can be defined between 2 keys, rather than only between 3 keys as laid out by Ian's report. This situation breaks down with keys of any other dimensionality. Unfortunately in the quest for routable searching we might switch to other types of keys for which this wont work. Currently both the Java node and Whiterose use this trick so if we do switch there will be some deep sighs.
The idea is to exploit this ability to order 2 1d keys to construct a binary tree. To the left of any document is a sub-branch containing documents with a lower key, and vice-versa for the right hand side.

Finding a key of (for example) 8 in this tree structure is going to be quite fast. Since it's a binary tree the search times are based on log2 n -- much faster than a full-linear search of any of the other structures.
Finding the closest key from a tree of documents is quite fast but finding keys further and further out becomes a bit of a pain. It is possible to construct an order list of documents in key order (documents can be inserted in this list by the tree, making insert a fast operation). So that finding a list of keys further out becomes a simple walk-outward from a node in the list. This is a speed/space tradeoff; it requires 2 pointers extra per document.
Message Format
The format of messages is simple. All messages must be passed over a clean channel. That is, it must not change the data in anyway. If the presentation layer cannot do this, it must encode/decode data in a way that simulates this (for example base64 encoding for emails).
Messages upto the trailing feild are broken into lines. A new line is denoted by a single line break charactor. It should be noted that these lines are UTF-8 encoded.
The first line is the message type. Following are a number of key-value headers with the key and value seperated by a single = charactor. Then there is a marker that signals the presence of a trailing feild. The marker can either be EndMessage or Data. The latter means a trailing feild follows the message. If there is a trailing feild there must be a numeric header called DataLength giving the length of the trailing feild in bytes. Here is an example of a well formed message.
DataReply UniqueID=C24300FB7BEA06E3 Depth=a HopsToLive=2c Source=tcp/ DataLength=131 Data 'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe: All mimsy were the borogoves And the mome raths outgrabe.
Here the message type is DataReply and there is a trailing feild. The type of value after a header key is defined by the name of the key. Where the type is numeric the number is always expressed in hex notation as can be seen in the HopsToLive header. Addresses are in the format transport/address. The only current valid transport is tcp and a TCP address is in the form ip:port. This can be seen in the Source header. The port number is not optional in addresses as Freenet has no default port.
Format Grammar
Here is a more precise grammar for the message packet format described above.
OCTET = < 0x00..0xFF > CHAR = < 0x20..0xFF > ALPHA = < 0x40..0x59, 0x60..0x79 > DIGIT = < 0x30..0x39 > LF = < 0x0A > NewLine = LF SubFieldName = ALPHA *(ALPHA or DIGIT) FieldName = SubFieldName *(``.'' SubFieldname) FieldValue = *CHAR MessageType = FieldName NewLine HeaderField = FieldName ``='' FieldValue NewLine EndMessage = ``EndMessage'' NewLine TrailingName = ``Data'' NewLine Payload = *OCTET MessagePacket = MessageType 1*HeaderField EndMessage or (TrailingName Payload)
Common Headers
There are number of headers that are common across many message types. Their general meaning is documented here, but it should be noted that these headers might always have exactly this meaning with all message types.
The UniqueID header contains a 64-bit numeric value that identifies related messages. When forwarding a message, the forwarded message inherits the UniqueID. This is used to stop loops forming in the network. The UniqueID is set to a random value by the node that starts a chain. At any one time every chain of messages in the network should have a unique UniqueID, thou this might not be true over time.
The HopsToLive header is numeric and acts like the TTL of IP datagrams. Every node that forwards a message reduces the HopsToLive by one. If a message has a HopsToLive of 1 it cannot be forwarded and special action is taken in these cases. Receiving a message with a HopsToLive of 0 is an error.
Depth is used to track how far away from its origin a message has travelled. It is in some ways the reverse of HopsToLive, in that it is anumeric value that is incremented each time a message is forwarded. The primary difference is in how loopbacks are treated. When a request being forwarded around the net reaches a node that is has already visited, that node sends a reply advising the immediately previous node of this condition, and that node chooses somewhere else to forward the original request. At each of these two hops, HopsToLive is modified, but Depth is not.
The KeepAlive header can have a value of either true or false. If the KeepAlive header is omitted the node should treat it as if it were set to true. If it is set to false the node who send the message should close the connection after that message has been sent.
Source identifies the sender of a message. Messages should always have a Source header if possible. Since Freenet is a message based protocol nodes are free to close idle connections, in most situations, and connect back to the source when responding. The Source header is in address format and should contain an address which a node can connect to. In the case of TCP it should have the port number on which the node is listening. Since nodes connect to this address, some sanity checks should be made. A node shouldn't ever give a source which contains a different IP address from that which it is sending from, and the port number should be greater than 1024. These sanity checks are the nodes' own business.
Some nodes cannot give a Source header because they don't want to be connected to, or are behind a firewall that blocks incomming connections. These nodes should omit the Source header and take special measures. Since two messages cannot go down the same connection at one time these nodes should open new connection for every message that is likly to generate a large reply. If a node has a number of messages that have to go down the same connection it should make an effort to queue them, but may drop them if it needs. These connections should not be closed if simply idle, but are closed as normal after KeepAlive=false messages.
Storable headers begin with the string Storable. and are free form text strings. When caching a document a node must also cache all the Storable headers and any DataReply messages generated must also have the same Storable headers.
Some headers are interpreted by nodes (for example Storable.Public-key is used by some key types)
Message Types
The HandshakeRequest message should be sent after connecting. It allows nodes to check the node is active and that protocol version numbers match.
When sending the node must generate a random UniqueID value, this will never be passed on so need be be very random. The HopsToLive and Depth must be set to 1. Source should be set.
When receiving the node should respond with a HandshakeReply.
A HandshakeReply is sent in responce to a HandshakeRequest.
When sending it must inherit the UniqueID from the HandshakeRequest and HopsToLive and Depth should be set to 1. Three extra headers should be set - Version, Build and Revision to the values that the nodes implements. The current values can be found at the start of
If you receive a HandshakeReply unbidden (e.g. you never sent a request) you must be slient and may ignore it or record the address.
DataRequest and InsertRequest
These two messages are very similar and will be dealt with together. These messages must have a SearchKey feild that contains a key expressed in hex format. When receiving, the node should search it's data store for a document addressed by that key. If one is found the node should reply with a DataReply message with that document as it's body.
If a document isn't found the node should forward the message. If the message has expired (the HopsToLive is 0 after decrementing) reply with the correct message. In the case of a DataRequest a TimedOut message is correct, in the case of an InsertRequest it's a InsertReply message. These messages follow all the rules of replies.
In the case that you replied with an InsertRequest you should record that fact and expect a DataInsert message soon with the same UniqueID containing the document relating to SearchKey.
DataReply and DataInsert
Again, these messages are similar and so I'll deal with them together. These messages are the only messages that have trailing feilds, and they must have them. When you forward these messages you should try to cache the trailing feild and store it in your data store.
Since they have trailing feilds they must also have a DataLength header, and will generally have Storable headers that you must cache.
The SearchKey header is not set in these messages, or nodes must know the key from matching up the UniqueID with a previous InsertReply or DataRequest. If a node has `forgotton' about the UniqueID it may cache the data, but it must be silent.
This message signals that an upstream node has restarted the query and that you should restart the timeout.
Cryptographic Link Layer
The current key exchange system is Diffie-Hellman (Applied Cryptography, Chapter 22). The following is quoted from Applied Cryptography.
The math is simple. First, Alice and Bob agree on a large prime, n and g such that g is primitive mod n. These two integers don't have to be secret; Alice and Bob can agree to them over some insecure channel. They can even be common among a group of users. It doesn't matter.
Then, the protocol goes as follows:
- Alice chooses a random large integer x and sends Bob: X = gx mod n
- Bob chooses a random large integer y and sends Alice: Y = gy mod n
- Alice computes: k = Yx mod n
- Bob computes: k' = Xy mod n
Both k and k' are equal to gxy mod n. No one listening on the channel can compute that value; they only know n, g, X and Y. Unless they can compute the discrete logarithm and recover x or y, they do not solve the problem. So, k is the secret key that both Alice and Bob computed independently.
Freenet uses a fixed 1024 bit n, it's an IPSec standard prime:
FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF C90FDAA2 2168C234 C4C6628B 80DC1CD1 29024E08 8A67CC74 020BBEA6 3B139B22 514A0879 8E3404DD EF9519B3 CD3A431B 302B0A6D F25F1437 4FE1356D 6D51C245 E485B576 625E7EC6 F44C42E9 A637ED6B 0BFF5CB6 F406B7ED EE386BFB 5A899FA5 AE9F2411 7C4B1FE6 49286651 ECE65381 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF
The generator (g) is 2. When sending or hashing etc MPI (multi-precision-integers) are defined the same way the OpenPGP spec does.
Multi-Precision Integers (also called MPIs) are unsigned integers used to hold large integers such as the ones used in cryptographic calculations.
An MPI consists of two pieces: a two-octet scalar that is the length of the MPI in bits followed by a string of octets that contain the actual integer.
These octets form a big-endian number; a big-endian number can be made into an MPI by prefixing it with the appropriate length. Examples:
The string of octets [00 01 01] forms an MPI with the value 1. The string [00 09 01 FF] forms an MPI with the value of 511. The size of an MPI is ((MPI.length + 7) / 8) + 2 octets. The length field of an MPI describes the length starting from its most significant non-zero bit. Thus, the MPI [00 02 01] is not formed correctly. It should be [00 01 01].
Block Cipher Key Generation
Hash (using SHA1) e and k (where k is in MPI format). In this e is an array consisting of m octets of 0x00, initially m = 1. Each hash generates 20 octets of key data. The length of the key depends of the block cipher used (currently Rijndael). To generate more key data, increment m, regenerate e and hash again. For example:
Hash [0 k] for the first 20 key bytes (e = [0] because m = 1)Hash [0 0 k] for the next 20 bytes (m = 2)
Hash [0 0 0 k] for the next 20 bytes (m = 3)
Now both sides have the shared key we switch to sending data with the block cipher in PCFB mode.
PCFB mode is Periodic Cipher Feedback Mode. Each direction is treated as a different object. The code is the same but you have one set of data for receiving and one for transmitting. The text below describes one side only, and remember this happens on both ends. The advantage of PCFB is that you can send a single byte at a time.
A feedback register is setup, a[]. In the Java code it is named feedback_register[]. The register is equal to the cipher's block size. Fill a[] with random bytes and transmit those random bytes to the peer. That's the initialization vector (IV). The peer puts that data into its a[], then both sides encrypt a[], replacing its contents with the newly encrypted data.
To transmit a byte, XOR it with a byte from a[] and also replace the byte in a[] with the cipher-byte. To fill a transmit buffer t[] from a plain text buffer p[] do:
for (i = 0; i < BLOCKSIZE; i++) t[i] = a[i] = p[i] XOR a[i];The peer can now decrypt t[] by XORing it with a[], the peer also replaces a[] with t[]. In other words, both ends put the encrypted byte in the feedback register, a[]). Both sides need to keep a pointer (i in the code above) telling where in the register you are.
Once you have transmitted a block worth of bytes you need to re-encrypt the register. To do so, encrypt a[] to get the new a[]. Note that this uses the block cipher in encryption mode for both encryption and decryption. You then continue with the re-encrypted a[].
PCFB Summary
- Create a buffer, called the feedback register that is equal to the block-size of the symmetric cipher used with PCFB mode.
- Create a random initialization vector, IV, and transmit it to the peer, then encrypt it with the block-cipher and store the results in the feedback register.
- To transmit a byte, XOR the plaintext byte with a byte from the feedback register, then place the resulting byte back in the feedback register in place of the byte used in XOR.
- Transmit the byte.
- When every byte in the buffer has been used (and replaced by the corresponding cipher byte), encrypt the feedback register, yielding a new register to use for transmission.
- Receive the initialization vector from the peer, encrypt it, and place the results in the feedback register.
- When a ciphertext byte is received from the peer, XOR it with a byte from the feedback register to form a plaintext byte. Place the ciphertext byte back in the feedback register.
- When the entire feedback register has been used, encrypt it using the block cipher and place the results in the feedback register, yielding a new register to use for reception.
Keys provide a way to stop cancer nodes responding with bad data. For this to work every node must check the document it gets. Chains of tunneling nodes need some way to signal that one has found that the tunnel is bad. If they simply passed the data on they would be seen as the cancer node.
Thus a system of control bytes are used. Each key type handles the control bytes differently but in general there are two. CB_OK marks that the upstream node thinks the data is correct while CB_RESTARTED marks that an upstream node has found the data is bad and is restarting the query.
Once a CB_RESTARTED has been received a node should break out of tunneling and expect a message to be sent. It should send CB_RESTARTED downstream as soon as possible.
CHK (Content Hash Key)
A CHK is an SHA1 hash of a document and thus a node can check that the document returned is correct by hashing it and checking the digest against the key.
This key contains the meat of the data on freenet. It carries all the binary data building blocks for the content to be delivered to the client for reassembly and decryption. The CHK is unique by nature and provides tamperproof content. A cancer node messing with the data under a CHK will immediately be detected by the next node or the client. CHKs also reduce the redundancy of data since the same data will have the same CHK and will collide on insert.
However you can only check the hash if you have the whole document. This is fine for small documents, but for large ones it can be a huge waste of bandwidth to download the whole document only to find it is incorrect.
Progressive CHK's allow the document to be checked in stages, thus problems can be detected as soon as you have the incorrect block of data.
FIXME - CITE HEREThe length of a block is contained in the header Storable.PartSize. When getting a stream of data do the following.
- Set check_hash to the CHK. Then, for each block
- Read in PartSize bytes of data, call it block_data. On the final block there might not be a whole PartSize to read in. In this case read in however many bytes are left and set PartSize to that value.
- Read in a hash. In the case of SHA1 this means 20 bytes (160 bits), call it temp_hash
- Read in 1 byte. This is the control byte. If it is 0x00 (CB_OK) then proceed. If it is 0x01 (CB_RESTARTED) then an upstream node has found a problem. Switch out of tunnel mode and back into message parsing mode. Expect a QueryRestarted message
- Hash block_data and temp_hash and assert that the hash equals check_hash. If it does, proceed. If it doesn't then send 0x01 as the control byte to all client nodes and then send QueryRestarted. The sending node should be viewed as evil because it lied
- Copy temp_hash to check_hash
SVKs, SSKs and KSKs
SVKs (Signature Verification Keys), SSKs (SVK Subspace Keys) and KSKs (Keyword Signed Keys) are all based on public-key cryptography and will be dealt here together. Currently Freenet uses the DSA system for pubkey crypto.
From the protocol point of view, a KSK is strictly a subset of the more general SVK keytype. The key type for SVK is 0x0201 and for KSK it's 0x0202. A KSK is different in that the public key pair is generated from a string and so they replace KHK's.
SSK's are simply the client-side representation of SVK's with a document name. What these allow you to do is create a very simple subspace in Freenet with guessable keys but control over insertion.
When you have a DataReply for one of these key types you need to check that Storable.Public-key hashes to produce that key.
The data is in one large part DataLength bytes long. This includes a single control byte at the end. In the future the size of data of these key types will be limited. As you accept the data, update an SHA1 hash of it. Once you have DataLength-1 bytes, generate the hash. Then check the signature in Storable.Signature using Storable.Public-key. These contain values in MPI format without the 2 length bytes, and are hex encoded (e.g. a3bc32...). The length bytes aren't needed because the length is known from the length of the string. Storable.Signature contains 2 MPI's, separated by a comma. These are r and s in the DSS signature system. SVK's and KSK's have different, default shared moduli. They are known as GroupA (for KSK's) and GroupB (for SVK's).
Group A:
p = b9850e5e9607d50d000000000000000000000000000000000 00000002cdc65f1e9a7dccb571627333dd0520bf0deb206d7 c2937330a7d6e73cec4928b172c7e8ea04cc075d18db1340d ac2065cbce69c5ff20b4bca2d89d2932204149a3b6811be27 458e7d2518edf9bf4417acb1e79243fe6ae1eac68cef6d655 q = cfabfbd9fa4661010d9d11d0c381bb574da72667 g = 2668d2935bdd27dad0a1f469c69c6f7e7bd5a3ea73adc6bc0 a781c0a276993a0cdbb575635423744dd2e2fbd7e962ac5b4 b79632f030ddef166c53cb002f692e2fd927f17e3e6bd404f 573207557972c630c01e6cc8b37fb348ad2686f4b4e3e681d 9ced93cde9f30a2f17380204274141dce60c6151ef1b7acd0 39ab1227fcd
Group B:
p = c9381f278f7312c7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffa8a6d5db1ab21047302cf6076102e67559e1569484 6e3c7ceb4e18b6c652aedcfb337af057bdc12dcfc452d3ae4 cfc5c3b7586804d4983bd5370db5512cf313e9a2c9c138c60 2901135c4cfbcbe92d29fe744831f63e3273908c4f62f2129 q = c88fa2a0b1e70ba3876a35140fddce3c683706ad g = 65d3ccb70df16dc08822be40736bf951383f6c03ddfd51c1a 41627fafb2b7f74a1e65ade0ab9f7c189c497cfb6fe6e9e7b a4160d7fd15bae68bff0e4a96f412e85924bcc89fee431406 13afd124f425f891a2d3022f0a0444692e510fc5310360a21 e3f729ab93f2ad81b0bbe27d86bc65cf385036969ede2473e
In SVK's only there may be a Storable.Group header that overrides the default group. This contains 3 MPI's (no length, hex encoded) that become the p, q and g in the DSS signature system. They are comma separated.
If the control byte is CB_RESTARTED then an upstream node has found that the data is wrong. Switch back to message mode and expect a QueryRestarted. If the control byte is CB_OK and the signature checks out, send CB_OK downstream (to whom you have been tunneling all this time). If you have CB_OK and the signature fails, break the connection, send CB_RESTARTED and restart the query. You shouldn't ever talk to that node again.
Generating KSK's and SVK's
- For KSK's, simply hash with SHA1 the UTF-8 encoded keyword to obtain the 160 bit private key, x. The rest of the procedure is the same as for SVK's.
- Generate the public key y = gx mod p
- SVK Only If a document name exists, hash that with SHA1 and add the stor\-able Storable.-Document-name with that value.
- Hash the bytes of the public key in binary MPI format. If it's an SVK and there is a document-name then also hash the hash of the document name. This results in the key itself.
- Encrypt the data. For SVK's generate a random key. For KSK's use the UTF-8 bytes of the keyword as the input to the key-generation algorithm.
- Sign the hash of the encrypted data with DSA, producing r and s.
- SVK Only It is possible to use a custom DSA group. See above. If a custom group is used Storable.Group must be set with the format above. Otherwise use Group B
- KSK Only Use Group A when calculating the signature
- Add Storable.Signature which contains r and s in hex MPI format.
- Append the keytype to the key value you have calculated. For SVK's it is 0x0201, for KSK's it is 0x0202.
- Append a single null byte (0x00) to the encrypted data. This serves as the control-byte CB_OK that indicates a valid data packet.
- Insert the data under that key, with the storables accumulated, and the encrypted data. Note that document encryption should proceed as outlined in the document-encryption (end-to-end) specs.
- Closeness A relation among 3 keys (call them A, B, and C) which asserts that ``A is closer to B than it is to C''. Since such comparisons are used to route requests, it is important that all nodes use the same relation for keys.
- Clustering The effect whereby data with close keys (under the chosen closeness relation) gets sorted to the same nodes by the network. Clustering is fundamental to making requests fast and scalable. But also dangerous: if Closeness of Keys reflects any similarity in document content (as, for example, plain English Keys would), this causes too many documents of one kind to become centralized and vulnerable to attack.
- Document A chuck of data linked to a key. Inserting data into Freenet may lead to the insertion (or updating) of more than one document.
- Tunneling The system of forwarding messages before they have been completly received. It is very important to reduce latency.
- DSA The Digital Signature Algorithm\refcite{2. A variant of the Schnorr and ElGamal signature algorithms.
[1] Gennaro, R and Rohatgi, P; ``How to Sign Digital Streams'', Advances in Cryptology -- CRYPTO '97, 1997.
[2] U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST FIPS PUB 186, ``Digital Signature Standard'', U.S. Department of Commerce, May 1994